Ferrous and non-ferrous
Your metal waste is in safe hands with us. With our knowledge and advanced equipment, we can go the extra mile. The environment benefits from this: the better we separate materials, the easier it is to make something new out of them.
Practical for a good price
We have various practical solutions for the collection of your metal waste and are happy to work with you to find out what works best for you. Your metal waste always yields a good price, without you having to worry about it.
Responsible handling of metal waste streams
Recycling of various metal waste streams is done in accordance with the guidelines laid down in our Environmental Management Act (Wet Milieubeheer) permit and in accordance with the waste collection regulations of the Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environment/National and International Road Transport Organisation under our registration number ZH501237VIHB.
In addition to providing the necessary guidance letters with waste stream numbers, we also take care of the mandatory monthly notification to the National Waste Notification Agency (Landelijk Meldpunt Afvalstoffen) of the disposed metal waste streams. For each waste stream to be disposed of, we can create a specific waste stream number, so that it is clear which waste streams and quantities are released at the fixed and project locations.
(Incorrect processing, harmful to health and environment)
Chromium-6 has been a well-known substance for many years and is used, for example, in certain types of paint. The Chromium-6 must is used to prevent the formation of rust. If materials and/or objects with Chromium-6 are processed incorrectly, this can be harmful to health and the environment. A&M Recycling is familiar with the responsible processing of materials and/or objects that contain Chromium-6 and offers responsible and appropriate solutions for this.
Are you dealing with materials and/or objects that contain Chromium-6 or do you suspect this, and do you want these to be disposed of and processed correctly?
Please feel free to contact us.